www.compuscuola.com Reasoned historical archive of computer materials - ASMI
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"Without the historical archive of cultural artefacts, civilization has no memory and has no way of learning from its successes and failures"

Reasoned historical archive of computer materials produced and used in the education system - ASMI

Knowledge, training and technological innovation in schools and universities are strategic qualities for the development of socio-economic systems. Even more so in the globalized world they are an essential tool for competition.
Sometimes the skills and previous experiences have to be dispersed with the depletion of widespread knowledge and consequent serious damage for the community which in the absence of memory loses competitiveness.
The historical archive of computer materials aims to revitalize past experiences, otherwise it is permanently lost because it is no longer used or otherwise remembered.

Historical archive
intends to operate concretely in the collection and dissemination of obsolete IT materials, produced by the education and training system, through advanced IT tools and telematics.
We think that only knowledge and its diffusion Ω Learning to learn / Learning to Learn Ω can generate virtuous circuits in which citizens are protagonists and able to plan the future with a global and forward-looking vision, starting from the use of existing resources and the enhancement of those of the past. Because historical memory is not oblivion, but a resource for the development of human activities aimed at improving the quality of life.
Learning to learn for life is one of the basic skills of the human being, an indispensable premise for consciously exercising the right of citizenship in a social system of shared knowledge.
Information and Communications Technologies, produced by electronics and integrated telecommunications, represent that discipline and at the same time that economic sector that gave birth and development to the third industrial revolution through what is commonly known as digital revolution.

Provide indications, projects, historical documentation and testimonies on the use and development of IT, multimedia and data transmission technologies, at the service of the school.

Scholars, researchers, teachers, students and those interested in the relationship between information and communication technologies and the world of education and training.

Work method
● Research, analysis and choice of historical material on the innovative basis of the results achieved;
● Classification of materials by sectors: websites, videos, projects, multimedia, user interaction;
● Selection criteria: materials still working that do not require analysis and functional rearrangement of the software.

Human resources
● An expert technologist in the design and creation of interactive websites in the didactic field;
● A programmer in ASP, Php languages ​​on MySQL database;
● A network system administrator for the management of the server and software - user interactions;
● An expert in distance learning.

Technological resources
● A server where the materials found reside;
● A website with historical structure, aesthetics and functionality, specially adapted, for User-Archive interaction that allows viewing and use of the collected materials. Among the many, the model of the Roma Tre University has been chosen, which has been online for more than a decade between the old and the new century, which disseminated information relating to educational activities before the Laboratory of Experimental Pedagogy and then the DiPED - Department of Educational and Didactic Planning.
● Dedicated software, programming languages ​​and databases used around 2000;
● Multimedia equipment for processing materials;
● Mass storage for data storage and protection.

Giovanni Corsi deals with IT, telematics and multimedia in the education and training sector. He worked at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", IRRSAE Lazio, the European Center of Education in Frascati, the INVALSI - National Institute for the evaluation of the education and training system, the University Roma Tre, participating in national and international research and developing highly automation and interaction prototypes for e-learning.

Updated version, 03.12.2020 10.53